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Finding the Perfect Combination of Cosmetic Injectables

The world of aesthetics is brimming with innovative treatments that can fix just about any cosmetic concern. While fantastic, this can also overwhelm some people who aren’t versed on the difference between various kinds of aesthetic treatments.

One category with a multitude of treatments is injectables, or dermal fillers. Right on cue, Dr. Divina Averilla, medical aesthetician at Love Your Body Medical Spa in Las Vegas, Nevada, is here to clear up any confusion and help you decide which injectable is right for you. 

What injectables can I choose from? 

There are what seems like a hundred types of injectables and fillers available, but Dr. Averilla sticks with two of the best and most effective: Botox® (a classic!) and Juvéderm®. 

Here’s the lowdown on both

Botox originates from the bacteria botulinum, a toxin that causes muscle paralysis. In very small amounts, though, it does no harm. In fact, it does good by eliminating wrinkles and fine lines. Botox is most often used for forehead creases, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, frown lines, laugh lines, and other facial concerns. 

Botox treatments take just a few minutes, and you see results in 1-2 days. Results from Botox typically last 3-6 months, so you’ll need touch-up appointments to maintain your youthful skin.

Juvéderm, a dermal filler with hyaluronic acid, can help with many skin concerns, including hydration, evenness, tone, texture, and lift. Juvéderm is a great option for those who want to plump up their skin or lips. 

How to find the perfect combo

You should consider a few things when deciding on injectables — they are going in your face, after all! Keep these things in mind before you fully commit to one or the other: 

Facial area

Where on your face do you want to use the injectable? Depending on your features, this could make a huge difference in your final decision.

The root problem

Ask yourself what the root issue is that you want to fix. For instance, it could be sagging eyelids, a furrowed brow, thin lips, or forehead creases.

How quickly do you want to see results?

Different fillers have different outcomes, so be sure to think about this before opting for one filler or another. For example, if you need quick results for a one-time event, Juvéderm might be the better option, as Botox can take up to a couple days to visually produce results.

How long do you want your filler to last?

Juvéderm lasts up to 12 months, while Botox may require follow-up injections every 3-6 months.

Your budget

Some treatments cost more than others, and the range can be pretty wide, depending on how many units of an injectable you need.  

In the end, different injectables produce different results, and a combination is often the best way to merge your timeframe, budget, and aesthetic goals to get optimal results. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t worry: Dr. Averilla goes over all of this information with patients because her goal as a medical aesthetician is to make you feel confident in your own skin. 

To learn more about the different types of injectables and fillers, schedule a consultation with Dr. Averilla today. Call our Las Vegas, Nevada, office at 702-342-0028 or request your appointment online. You can also send a message to Dr. Averilla and the team here on the website.

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