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Start Laser Hair Removal Now to Be Swimsuit Ready by Summertime

Start Laser Hair Removal Now to Be Swimsuit Ready by Summertime

For some, winter is the best time to hunker down and hibernate, but we know that cosmetic problems like unwanted hair never take a vacation. That’s why we believe the cooler months are the best time to get a jump-start on your summer aesthetic. 

Our clients in Greater Las Vegas know just how important smooth, hairless skin is — and they know laser hair removal is the best way to get it. Dr. Divina Averilla and our team at Love Your Body Medical Spa highlight why laser hair removal is still the gold standard and why now is the best time to get it done. 

Why laser hair removal?

We get it: It’s easy to stick with what you know, especially when it comes to your beauty routine. But there’s no denying the drawbacks of traditional hair removal methods. 

Tweezers, razors, and wax strips are only temporary fixes for unwanted hair, and they leave behind redness, bumps, and other irritating (and unsightly) irritations. 

That’s where laser hair removal comes in. 

Instead of plucking and cutting your hair, laser hair removal uses a handheld wand to deliver short pulses of high-intensity light deep into your hair follicles to destroy the hair root and keep it from coming back. The melanin (pigment) in your skin absorbs the light energy and converts it to heat, neutralizing the follicles.  

Bonus: Laser hair removal can go virtually anywhere, including your bikini line, arms, underarms, legs, eyebrows, upper lip, and chin. Whether your hair is hiding in crevices or standing out in broad daylight, our advanced treatments can get rid of it. 

Why winter?

Laser hair removal is the best and only permanent solution to unwanted body hair, but it requires some groundwork on your end. 

When you plan with your friends to meet up poolside or head for the coast, that’s not the time you want to schedule an appointment for laser hair removal. Depending on the area(s) you’re treating and the thickness and color of your hair, you need anywhere from 3-7 sessions to see permanent results. 

We schedule each session 4-6 weeks apart to allow your skin time to heal, so getting a head start now is crucial if you want to enjoy a truly hair-free summer.

But don’t worry — if you’ve fallen a bit behind the get-ahead schedule, you’ll still notice that your hair grows back thinner and lighter even after your first appointment. 

How can I prepare?

Once you’ve decided to ditch the old ways of fighting your fuzz, you should do a few things to get ready. First, always choose a board-certified and experienced doctor like Dr. Averilla to do your laser hair removal. Otherwise, you risk pain, infection, and other complications. 

We thoroughly review your health history, including your medication use, history of skin conditions, and past hair removal procedures, to better understand what you need. To help you prepare for your appointment, we also provide specific instructions, which usually include:

It’s also important that you don’t shave, wax, or tweeze before your appointment. It may seem counterintuitive, but we actually need visible hair for laser hair removal to be successful. The lasers seek out your hair and follow it down to the root and follicle, so make sure you have at least some stubble before you arrive. 

What happens during my appointment?

If your friends have had laser hair removal, you may have heard it can be uncomfortable, like a rubber band snapping against your skin. Don’t stress, though. We have methods of keeping you as relaxed and comfortable as possible. 

We equip you with a pair of specialized glasses that protect your eyes from the laser, and we can apply a topical anesthetic to your skin to take the edge off the snapping sensation. 

What can I expect afterward?

You may be a little red and swollen right after your appointment, but those side effects should go away after a few hours. If you’re uncomfortable, apply a cold compress to the area. 

Don’t waste this winter season — use it to get ahead on your summer plans. Call or click to schedule an appointment and get started today. 

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