Start Our Non-Invasive Body Contouring Treatment Now and Reach Your Aesthetic Goals by Summer

How great would it be to finally shed that stubborn, diet-resistant body fat and slide into summer with a sleeker, slimmer body? Pretty great, right? Yes, eating healthy and being active can help. But for most of us, no matter how good we are at sticking to healthy habits, a lot of that fat just isn’t going to budge. And even if we do lose weight, we’re still going to be left with areas of jiggly fat that ruin our curves and contours and hide the lean, healthy muscle underneath.
At Love Your Body Medical Spa, Dr. Averilla helps patients reshape their bodies and redefine their contours with customized body sculpting using the innovative Reaction™ by Viora, a state-of-the-art body contouring system that uses patented CORE™ technology to literally melt away fat without surgery. And if you schedule your treatment now, you’ll be all ready for this year’s bathing suit season.
Viora’s advanced technology melts away fat
Reaction™ by Viora utilizes the power of radiofrequency (RF) energy to get rid of unwanted fat, with a patented delivery system that features three separate “types” or frequencies of RF. As the RF energy penetrates your skin, it targets fat cells, breaking down cell walls and ultimately destroying those fat cells once and for all. During the weeks following your treatment, your body’s lymphatic system will carry the cell debris away and eliminate it from your body, revealing slimmer, sleeker contours.
Depending on your needs, the Viora system can use the same targeted heat technology to break up cellulite deposits, eliminating that dimpled, “cottage-cheese” appearance so your skin looks smoother. And there’s another benefit to Viora treatment: Although the heat emitted during treatment is perfectly safe for the surface of your skin, by heating up the underlying layers of fat, Viora’s CORE technology also helps shrink and tighten loose, lax skin, enhancing your results and leaving your skin looking firmer and more toned.
The multi-frequency technology enables Dr. Averilla to customize your treatment, adjusting the flow and depth of the RF energy during your session to ensure you get the best possible results. Depending on your needs, Dr. Averilla may choose to use a single frequency throughout your treatment, or she may combine two or more frequencies to target fat more effectively.
What to expect during your Viora Reaction treatment
Prior to your session, Dr. Averilla will evaluate the treatment area and plan out the session to maximize your results. Once the treatment begins, she’ll use the handheld Viora applicator to target each treatment area individually, adjusting the RF energy output to suit your goals. As the RF energy penetrates your skin, you’ll feel a warming sensation that many patients say is quite relaxing. Most treatment sessions last about 45 minutes to an hour, but your time can vary based on the area that’s being treated and the amount of fat that’s being targeted. Once your treatment is complete, you can resume your regular activities soon afterward.
With Viora, you can get rid of fat on multiple areas of your body, including the hips, buttocks, thighs, back and arms. Plus, you can have multiple areas treated in a single session. The RF energy emitted during Viora treatment also helps tighten and tone your skin, and it can even get rid of unattractive, dimpled cellulite deposits so you don’t just look slimmer, but your skin looks firmer and smoother too.
You can expect to see the results of your treatment beginning at about six weeks, with the final results visible at about 12 weeks. Depending on your treatment goals, you might benefit from a series of up to eight treatments spaced several weeks apart. Dr. Averilla will be able to develop a treatment program that's based specifically on your goals so you can feel confident you'll get the results you're looking for.
This is the year to get the body you want
Don't let stubborn body fat mess with your self-confidence. At Love Your Body Medical Spa, we can help you win your own personal battle of the bulge with the state-of-the-art Viora system. And if you start right now, you'll be ready to enjoy your final results by the time summer arrives. If you're ready to learn how fat reduction with the Viora system can help you look and feel your best this year, book an appointment online today.
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