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Turn Over a New Leaf With Dermapen Facials

Imagine walking past a mirror on any given day, turning your head, and realizing that you’re totally, utterly in love with your skin. It’s smooth, even-toned, bright, and free of wrinkles and blemishes. You’re finally content — no, more than content; you’re thrilled — with your skin. 

Sounds like a pipe dream, right?

Actually, it’s not such a far-off fantasy — everyone grapples with skin issues, especially on the face, but many common skin problems can be reversed with the help of the right professional and the right tools, like Dr. Divina Averilla and her handy Dermapen® at Love Your Body Medical Spa.

What’s a Dermapen®?

Dermapen is the most advanced form of microneedling currently available to dermatologists, doctors, and qualified aestheticians. With 12 segmented microneedles, it delivers microtraumas to your epidermis (outer layer of skin) and the dermis (the thick, second layer of skin). 

Like all microneedling treatments, Dermapen facials stimulate new production of collagen and elastin, two important proteins in your skin that are responsible for keeping your complexion smooth, taut, and youthful. 

Without collagen and elastin, your skin becomes more susceptible to wrinkles, fine lines, and a crepe-like texture. Your natural production of these proteins declines as you get older, which is where Dermapen comes in — it stops this decline in its tracks. The Dermapen also helps improve blood flow to the blood vessels in your face, giving you a fresh, youthful appearance.  

What kind of facials can you get with a Dermapen? 

Dr. Averilla can develop a Dermapen facial to suit any skin care needs: Whether your skin problem is oiliness, dryness, flakiness, wrinkles, fine lines, dullness, or saggy skin, there’s a Dermapen treatment for you. 

You may see results with just one Dermapen facial, but Dr. Averilla usually recommends a series of 3-6 treatments, depending on how severe your skin complications are. If you have a current acne outbreak, Dr. Averilla may suggest that you wait until your outbreak clears up before starting a facial regimen.

Which type of facial is the best for me?

Only you and Dr. Averilla together can decide which type of Dermapen facial is right for you. The final decision involves a skin exam, health history, and consultation so you can discuss your history of skin care, current regimen, and skin goals. 

To learn more about the Dermapen and types of Dermapen facials, schedule a consultation with Dr. Averilla today. Call our Las Vegas, Nevada, office at 702-342-0028 or request your appointment online. You can also send a message to Dr. Averilla and the team here on the website.


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