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Vacation Beauty Essentials You Need This Summer

Vacation Beauty Essentials You Need This Summer

Traveling is a great way to unwind and explore the world around you. However, it can also wreak serious havoc on your skin if you’re not careful. 

Skipping through time zones and climates, stressing about flight times and itineraries, and everything else that comes with traveling can quickly undo all of the hard work and time you’ve put into your skin care routine at home. 

So, whether you’re traveling near or far, we think it’s worth leaving behind that extra pair of shoes if it makes room for your essential skin care products.

Not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered. Dr. Divina Averilla and our team at Love Your Body Medical Spa take you through a few must-pack items to maintain your skin care routine while jet-setting. 

First things first

Choosing your skin care products should be based on more than what your friends or the influencers on social media are doing. Your needs differ from the next person’s, and you should base your purchases on that. A number of factors should play a role in your choice of skin care products:

Here, Dr. Averilla highlights our favorite cleansers, moisturizers, and other skin care basics that work with your skin (and get through TSA checkpoints). 


A solid cleanser tops our beauty essentials list. With all of the traveling you’re about to do, your face is bound to encounter plenty of dirt and grime. Clear it all away with a powerful cleanser. 


When it comes to moisturizers, consider your climate. Lightweight gels and creams can get you through a stay in the tropics, but a thicker, heavier formula may be best for a vacation in the drier climes. 

If your summer plans include a staycation here in Nevada, stock up on a good moisturizer.

Serum or oil

If you’re already moisturizing, you might not think a face serum or oil is necessary, but if you’re not using them, you’re really missing out. These products lock in hydration, which helps keep your skin soft and healthy — a must when you’d rather focus on seeing all of the sites.

Look for serums and oils containing hyaluronic acid for ultimate hydration day and night. 

Body wash or soap

Don’t forget the basics, especially when it comes to staying clean. During your vacation, you’ll be on and off public transportation, in and out of public restrooms, and otherwise exposed to countless germ-infested, skin-threatening surfaces. 

So, remember to pack a powerful-but-gentle body wash to revive your skin after a long day of ticking items off your itinerary. 

Body lotion

Your face isn’t the only place that can get dehydrated when you’re on the go. That’s why we strongly recommend bringing a body lotion that nourishes and rehydrates your skin but doesn’t irritate it with dyes and perfumes. 


Sunscreen is a must — regardless of where you travel. Even in cold, overcast, and unsunny places, UV rays can still find their way to and through your skin. Protect yourself with a daily layer of broad-spectrum sunscreen. 

Makeup remover

The best companion to your cleanser? A makeup remover. You want to look your best for every Instagram pic you take on vacation, but leaving that makeup on your face can trigger a breakout (the last thing you want to worry about on your trip). 

So, pack a pack of gentle makeup remover wipes or a travel-size bottle of micellar water, and make sure you lift off all of your makeup at the end of each day. 

Are you looking for more vacation beauty tips and our recommended brands? We’d love to talk with you and give your face a fresh start before boarding with one of our comprehensive aesthetic services. Call or click to schedule an appointment at our Las Vegas, Nevada, office today. 

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