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Walk Into Spring With a Slimmer Physique and Less Cellulite

Spring has sprung, and with it comes all sorts of changes, especially to your wardrobe. It’s time to stuff away your long sleeves and mom jeans and dust off your tank tops and dresses — that is, unless you’re still hanging on to winter fluff. 

It’s easy to pack on unwanted extra pounds when temperatures dip. In fact, surveys show that people tend to gain 5-7 pounds over the colder season. 

Now your pants don’t fit, and your legs are sporting cellulite. 

Instead of upping your mileage at the gym or slashing even more calories, we have a better idea. 

Dr. Divina Averilla and our team at Love Your Body Medical Spa in Las Vegas, Nevada, offer treatments that target stubborn fat and cellulite, giving you a silhouette that’s ready for your daisy dukes. 

Here’s a closer look at our two most popular. 

Body contouring

Body contouring is a jack of all trades. It utilizes a variety of technologies to eliminate stubborn pockets of fat (and, as a result, cellulite below the surface of your skin).

We offer one of the industry’s best body contouring systems: Reaction™ by Viora, which incorporates CORE™ technology with multi-radiofrequency (RF) channels. All of that scientific jargon means we can use one system to take a multi-faceted approach to your love handles, saddlebags, and the like. 

The Viora CORE technology employs three different types of RF waves that warm your skin. As the warmth and RF energy penetrate your skin, fat cells below heat up to their melting point. Then, your body metabolizes the damaged fat cells and eliminates them from your body. 

Over the course of a few weeks, you notice smoother skin and less stubborn fat. 

Our patients love body contouring because it’s quick and virtually painless. You should only need to carve out around 45 minutes to an hour for treatments, and you won’t have to spend any time in recovery dealing with side effects. 

Besides a gradual warming sensation, you shouldn’t experience any pain during or after treatment. 

Because it takes a few weeks to see results, we recommend that you start body contouring treatments now to make sure you’re ready for the wardrobe changes to come with the warmer months. 


Instead of using RF energy to melt your fat, mesotherapy involves a series of injections to eliminate pockets of fat and cellulite. The injections are filled with vitamins, enzymes, hormones, and even plant extracts, all specially formulated to target fat cells. 

The process isn’t a magic bullet, but it’s as close as it gets. We simply inject the solution into the middle layer of your skin, called the mesoderm, and let your body do the rest. Your skin acts as a time-release barrier, delivering the medications at regular intervals.

The medications work gradually to eliminate cellulite, shrink fat cells, repair connective tissue, and even increase circulation. 

Like body contouring, mesotherapy offers noninvasive, painless treatments, and both are vastly preferable to aggressive procedures like liposuction. 

Making the most of it

It’s important to remember that both body contouring and mesotherapy work best when they’re part of a healthy lifestyle. That means you should combine your treatments with a balanced diet, plenty of exercise, and adequate rest. 

Our advanced treatments, together with your efforts, almost guarantee you’ll be ready for shorts weather when spring finally rolls around. 

There’s no more time to waste. Call or click to request an appointment and get in touch with our expert today.

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