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What Sets Radiesse® Apart From Other Fillers?

What Sets Radiesse® Apart From Other Fillers?

Fillers are one of the beauty industry’s most popular minimally invasive cosmetic treatments, with millions of injections performed every year. 

Over time, researchers have perfected how fillers smooth fine lines and wrinkles, reduce the look of scars, and restore lost volume to sunken facial features, thanks to new products like Radiesse®

Radiesse is the newest addition to the filler family, and though it may not be a household name yet, it can go toe-to-toe with the heavyweights. 

Dr. Divina Averilla and our team at Love Your Body Medical Spa in Las Vegas, Nevada, offer a wide range of cosmetic injectables — well-known and up-and-coming alike. Here, we take a closer look at exactly what separates Radiesse from its competitors. 

It’s a science thing

You’re likely familiar with Juvéderm® and Restylane®, which use hyaluronic acid as their main ingredient. Hyaluronic acid is a key component of skin health and makes Juvéderm and Restylane incredibly effective. 

But Radiesse takes filler formulas to the next level. 

Radiesse contains calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHa) microspheres in a gel-based solution. CaHa is another naturally occurring substance found in bone tissue. Once injected, the microspheres provide immediate lift and volume, plumping out crepey skin and dramatically restoring lost volume. 

It’s better for deep lines

Thanks to those tiny microspheres, we can target deep lines and folds like never before, especially nasolabial folds, which extend from your nose to your mouth, and marionette lines, which run from your mouth to your chin. 

It’s a versatile volumizer

We recommend Radiesse if you have sagging or hollowed-out cheeks, sagging jaws, and other concerns tied to volume loss. But we don’t stop there. 

Radiesse is also approved for rejuvenating the backs of the hands, which can be one of the first places on your body to show signs of aging. 

It sticks around

Radiesse’s unique formulation helps it maintain results for the long haul — often much longer than other fillers. Many of our Radiesse patients enjoy younger-looking skin for a year or longer. 

It creates healthy skin from the inside out

Every time you get a filler, the micro-injuries and hyaluronic acid stimulate healing and collagen production, producing long-term healthy skin. 

Radiesse does the same thing, but better. It’s believed (and a recent study shows) that Radiesse is associated with a significant increase in collagen production. 

This is because the structure of CaHa molecules provides a framework or scaffold for new collagen development. With more collagen, your skin has a fighting chance against the common signs of aging. 

Deciding on the right filler for you

The best part about minimally invasive injectables is that you’re not stuck with one your whole life. If you’ve been in a committed relationship with other fillers but aren’t happy with your results, or you’re simply looking for something new, let’s talk about Radiesse. 

Whether you’re a repeat client or a brand-new face, we get to know the finer points of your skin concerns and help you decide which fillers (or combination of fillers) will work best to help you reach your goals. 

If you’re ready to take back your skin from the hands of Father Time, we want to talk with you. Don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with Dr. Averilla. Contact Love Your Body Medical Spa online to request an appointment or call today. 

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